The team will comprise of advisors, directors and a few other individuals. This is the team.
Scientific Advisory Members

Prof. Peter H. Roe
Professor Emeritus
Systems Design Engineering
University of waterloo

Prof. Keith W. Hipel
Professor Emeritus
Systems Design Engineering
University of waterloo

Prof. K. Ponnambalam
Professor Emeritus
Systems Design Engineering
University of waterloo
Board Of Directors
Mr. Gur Saroop Sood
Radhasoami Satsang Sabha,
Dayalbagh, Agra

Mr. Kunj Behari Mehta
Dayalbagh Radhasoami Satsang Association of North America,
New Milford ,New Jersey USA

Mr. Prem Prakash Srivastava
Vice President - I,
Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh, Agra

Prof. Prem K. Kalra
Professor and Head (Department of Computer Science), Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi, India

Dr. Anoop Srivastava
Vice President – II,
Radhasoami Satsang Sabha,
Dayalbagh, Agra

Mr. Anand Rau
Retired Chief Secretary Andhra Pradesh, India

Ms. Usha Sharma
18 McKennon Street, Markham ON
L6E 1H7, Canada

Mr. Radha Krishan Sharma
Association of Alumni & Friends
of DEI

Prof. Pami Dua
Director/Vice Chancellor, Delhi School of Economics,
New Delhi

Ms. Sneh Bijlani
Treasurer, DEI